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Yolo County Cabin

Undaunted by the expanse of flat, mostly treeless land that serves as the cabin’s site, Butler Armsden tucked the unassuming building and water tower behind a small grove of trees, creating a brief moment of density on this 400-acre farm. Taking advantage of the flatness of the surrounding land, the architects topped the water tower form with a terrace that overlooks the vegetable garden, acres of crops beyond, and coastal range to the west. Central to the design of the cabin was a desire to visually connect to the architecture of the area, which the architects realized through the cabin’s small scale, exterior wood siding, and an ample porch that captures the afternoon sunlight. A semi-hidden feature — two glulam beams that provide the cabin’s structural support — lift it just off the ground, allowing for air circulation, better views, and, unexpectedly, the ability to move the cabin, should it ever want to leave home.

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Floor Plans

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Special Feature

The design elegantly combines an elevated shed roof lean-to structure with a hipped roof water tower, two of the most common building forms in the area.


1000 sq ft


Winters, CA


Federico Engel

Awards + Recognition



David Duncan Livingston

General Contractor

Dna Hoover Housewright

Interior Designer

Butler Armsden Architects

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