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Mallory Bridle

Director of Operations

B.Arch | Rice University

B.A. in Architecture | Rice University

Licensed Architect in CA | 2017

Mallory’s passion for architecture started from a very young age. While all her peers were asking for toys and video games, she was begging for subscriptions to architecture magazines so she could look at buildings and study floor plans.

When the time came for college, Mallory made the obvious jump to study architecture, and chose to attend Rice University. While at Rice, Mallory completed two summer internships at Architecture for Humanity, studied abroad in Paris, and her design scheme was selected as the basis for the campus redesign of the Houston nonprofit, Workshop Houston.

Mallory says the best part of being an architect is having the ability to help people achieve their goals and realize their architectural visions. She is inspired by Spanish Architect Rafael Moneo’s work, particularly the National Museum of Roman Art in Merida.